Yoga for Health

Reuniting Body, Breath & Mind


WORKSHOPS are held frequently, they may be tutored by Janette,  or a guest tutor.

Generally a 3 hour workshop with a ‘theme’ or focus; on a Saturday afternoon in the 2pm – 5pm time slot. (either Tamatea or Taradale)

If any of the workshops listed below interest you, please let me know.  If there is enough interest, I am happy to do a repeat.


“Face, Hands & Feet” 

Addressing those high tension areas and often overlooked parts of the body.  I am still writing this workshop, and am finding the whole process very interesting.  Let me know if you are interested too.

“Around the Block”   

Timed for November 2021

We pay our respects to the simple Yoga block and find out that it is better to use it more often, than simply store it in a yoga bag.    This is a new workshop.  No chairs,  belts, balls or weights this time; you will only need a block (or two if you have them).

“E-Yoga Part II” 

Timed for August 2021.

For those who have completed E.Yoga I, this delves deeper……………

E-Yoga meets with Stability and Stamina, Resistance and Rest.  (E-Yoga = Explore, Extend, Expand, Enhance) 

“E-Yoga Part I”

Timed for July 2021

This was a popular workshop in May 2019, and so I am repeating it in July. Those of you who enjoyed our work during term 2, when we used the belts for extra stretch, this is for you as this is what E.Yoga is all about. Props!

For those who love delving into the Enquiry side of Yoga: this workshop will Explore, Extend, Expand and Enhance your practice.

(sorry not suitable for beginners, or those who like a gentle practice)

“Chair Yoga”

on 8th May 2021, 13 participants explored the possibilities of using a Chair for the majority of a Yoga practice.  This was a 3 hour workshop, we moved through a range of poses and stretches while sitting on a chair, we worked to the chair, using the base of the chair to represent a raised floor level.  We also used a variety of props, from balls to belts.  A very successful afternoon.



Saturday 5th September    Spinal Release         FULLY BOOKED

After three months as a  ‘work in progress’ I feel ready to introduce you to my new ‘Spinal Release’ sequence. A supine/semi supine practice which may take 30-45 minutes will be the main focus of this workshop. This sequence brings together movement patterns, poses, stretches and strengtheners in a specific order. After the practical, we can go through the theory to ensure you know each move and to give you time to record your own notes on the worksheet.  Then we will look at the pose/s known to be beneficial for backs. You will be welcome to contribute your specific back pose; thus sharing knowledge and helping each other.

A deep relaxation will be an absolute must to compliment this session.


Saturday 1st August         Yoga with Flow         FULLY BOOKED

Our session will begin with very free flowing movements using music to encourage the flow. Looking for ways we can reduce the rigidity in our practice and become more fluid in our movements.  Of course a lot of inspiration for this can come from the breath.

Then you will then learn how to create your own sequential flow.  Initially some short sequences to inspire you then you can use your personal favourite yoga pose as a base.  You will choose this pose for your body (not your mind) and explore options, both together and independently.  Perhaps this will reflect a more creative side to your Yoga practice.


E-Yoga:     Saturday 4th May:     2pm – 5pm:     Taradale, Napier.

The Brief – Keeping up with current trends – it is timely to apply an ‘E’ to our practice of Yoga.

  • Explore the options
  • Extend the movements
  • Expand the interest
  • Enhance the practice

Using a range of ‘props’ we will ‘load’ our poses.  These props will include the usual Block and Strap; but also look at using the more unconventional – Balls*, Resistance Bands*, Weights* and Music.

This workshop is suited to those who love delving into the ‘enquiry’ side of Yoga; and who also maintain a reasonable level of practice.

Sorry, not suited to ‘beginners’ or those who prefer a ‘gentle’ practice.

Why do this? To take us deeper into poses, add new dimensions, change the focus and keep our practice interesting.

What will you need to bring? Of course your mat and blanket – definitely a block and a strap – and any of the ‘props’* that you may have available. Journal & Pen please.

Please email for details………………….


Possible topics for future Workshops:

  • Asana, Transitions and Flowing Sequences
  • Yoga in FloMotion
  • Developing a Personal Practice (for morning & evening practice)
  • Concentration & Meditation
  • Restorative poses & techniques for deep Relaxation
  • Surya Namaskar – the extended journey
  • Surya Namaskar – affirming the actions

If any of these topics interest you, please register your interest; I am happy to repeat  topics if there is enough interest.


The  workshops were . . . . . . . . . . . 

“Back Issues I” Saturday 4th August; 2pm – 5pm (this is a repeat of the May workshop)

please read the following and let me know if you are interested; payment of $45 will secure your booking.  Notes/Worksheet will be provided.

  • To feel your back as it breathes
  • To feel where your back moves freely and where it is ‘stuck’
  • To learn therapies you can do for your own back
  • To learn the best ‘neutral’ pose ever
  • To learn movement specific to ‘area’ of the back
  • To learn which props will support the back to release and into relaxation

“Back Issues II” Saturday 1st September: 2pm – 5pm (follows on from “Back Issues I”)

for those who are ready to move on, we rekindle the concepts of Back Issues I and explore the Hidden Language of Yoga; and use props to allow the more ‘restorative’ aspects of poses.


Thank you to those who attended  “Breath 2,3,4,5” 

for those who missed out, please read the following and let me know if you are interested; workshops may be repeated if required.

“Breath 2,3,4,5”                                      the Intention of the Workshop

  • Breath           the act we complete approx. 21,600 times / 24 hours.
  • 2                     the parts of the breath
  • 3                     the levels of the complete breath                             
  • 4                     the stages of the breath
  • 5                     the energies of the breath

Breath 2,3,4,5 is our starting place, and then we’ll work from the following list. Perhaps there is more to know about the breath than we can learn in 3 hours.

  • The Organs of the breath
  •  Kinds of Breathing
  •  Frustrations associated with poor breathing
  •  The natural process of breathing
  •  Benefits of better breathing


2017 Workshops included:

“Back Issues”

“Yoga Detox – 8 Kriya poses”

“Sun Salutation – the extended journey”

these workshops were all fully booked, and very well received.