Yoga for Health

Reuniting Body, Breath & Mind

Life Goes On

Life is not static…. life goes on. That’s the way it is, and the more we are able to “go with the flow” the more we can live that life with ease. Yoga has taught me so much about life, as I continue to grow and change in life, so does my yoga.  This is reflected in my own yoga practice and in my teaching.

Although I arrive on my mat with a plan for each class, that plan changes according to the energy and needs of those in the room.  Generally we are drawn to Yoga for the physical aspect – for flexibility, but Yoga also teaches us the importance of adaptability. What do I need from my Yoga practice right now? What do I need to sustain me for the next 24 hours and what is my long term requirement?

Thus, Flexibility and Adaptability are relative to the physical body, and the mental body.  The breath forming the link between these bodies is also adaptable – right now do I need my breath to calm or energize me?

Who benefits from this style of Yoga? Anyone who wishes to tune into their deeper layers and move at ease from their “feeling” body. This enables Yoga to evolve from a text book practice to the journey of self awareness that it is. The whole philosophy of Yoga is then able to nourish us on the mat, and support us in life off the mat.

We practice Yoga:

  • To increase our muscle tone and strength, joint mobility and  general range of movement.
  • To nourish and stimulate every organ system and gland.
  • To learn safe and trusted techniques for release of physical and mental tension.
  • To breathe better and utilize that breath.
  • To improve our self awareness, confidence and posture.
  • To nurture and grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
  • To live in the present moment.

I am a passionate Yogini. I teach the path of Hatha Yoga from the heart.  It comes from a classical training, 10 years teaching experience and the wisdom I’ve gained from tutoring and mentoring trainee Yoga teachers. My journey of life and learning continues; I am the student I am the teacher.  Life is not static….life goes on.

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