Goodbye Summer
As we prepare to say goodbye to Summer – we have concluded this Summer term honouring the Sun with the classic Surya Namaskar – Sun Salutation.
By taking the time to work on the transitions as much as the poses – I hope that we have found a way for every ‘body’ to move through this sequence of 12 poses with ease and understanding. Every one of our bodies has been through different life experiences; and every one of those body’s moves differently. The Saturday 9am session has taken Sun Salute to another level – that of a chair. We have practiced two variations of the sequence sitting on a chair, and one variation using a chair as a prop. However you practice your Sun Salute, when you move from within, the feeling body led by the breath; then your movement is more natural – more doable.
Any day is a good day to add a round or three of Surya Namaskar to your routine.
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