Yoga for Health

Reuniting Body, Breath & Mind

Core Contentment

As we come to the last week in our Autumn Term I sincerely hope your Core and Back have appreciated our sessions.  We spent several weeks working slowly and methodically to build our awareness of the whole core area and its connections with the rest of the body.  In the practice of Yoga, it is our deepening awareness that is such a precious tool.  By working familiar poses in an unfamiliar way – we learn how much work the whole body is doing.  Increasing the number of repetitions or the length of the ‘hold’ of the pose are two ways of deepening our practice.

The latter part of our Autumn Term has encouraged us into “The Dance of the Spine” – 20 poses / 10 breaths / 8 spinal movement patterns………………and that is merely the beginning.

There is much you can practice before we come together again mid-July.  The choice is yours.

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