2020 Yoga in Plenty
Today is the 4th day of 2020, and the Saturday morning Yogi’s were back on their mats today. What a great start to the yoga year.
I was reminded that I hadn’t disclosed the theme for the first term. With encouragement from the 9am’ers, I am inspired to do so.
Right there in the centre of your body is a pillar of strength – your spine – it holds you upright, which is rather important. The back is the body’s support system, so it needs to be strong; it is also the ‘backing’ for the enclosure of the ‘precious’ internal organs – again, rather important. We also need to work on core strength and stability in order to support the back.
And so, our term will lead in via the semi supine series of Core stability, and the introduction to a standing style of Sun Salutation. This will work well on its own, or lead us into Sun Flight (our sequence from Term 4 2019)
Of course, as with all Yoga, the plans are flexible!!!
Here, we go, 2020 Yoga in Plenty
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