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In our very individual world’s we would each have an equally individual space for our practice of Yoga & Meditation; by creating a calm space of our choosing with view and decor to please. However, in our mobile impermanent life, we are not always there to enjoy our own creation.
Therefore, a yoga practice needs to be as mobile as the practitioner.
To be able to absorb the energy at the shoreline while the feet sink into soft sand.
Enjoying the fragrance of a garden and allowing feelings of calm reassurance to rise up from the earth.
The buzz of nature, an early morning wakeup call, fresh morning dew and blades of damp grass between the toes.
The total reliance on one’s inner strength and wisdom can create calm and stability, when practicing yoga on an uneven surface.
Each change of location reveals an opportunity to adapt ones practice to the surface, the view and the moment.
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