Yoga for Health

Reuniting Body, Breath & Mind


The Order of the Pose

The Order of the Pose Inspiration to expand the theme of this term came from a simple question. “Does it matter what order the poses go”? In reality a simple answer – no it doesn’t matter. But wait there’s more……….. Perhaps to get the best from a yoga practice it may help to let the […]

New Year, New Yogi

At any age, at anytime, someone may decide to let yoga into their life and join a class. A non yogi over 70 with a new hip joins chair yoga. Two very good reasons are highlighted, to meet others with hip replacement and to learn that there is more exercise available to them other than […]

Beginners Mind

One concept that has stuck with me through 21 years of teaching, came during my Yoga Teacher Training course. Quite simply, never lose your beginners mind, don’t lose it from your practice nor from your teaching. Don’t take the body nor our knowledge for granted. This heightens your awarness and keeps both learning and teaching […]

The self care side of Yoga

Classes this week have included a timely reminder of Self Care.. As a busy life increases in revolutions (running around in circles) it becomes so important to administer self care in whatever form the self requires. Discussion began two weeks ago. Now it is time to deepen the practice – yes self care requires practice […]

Listen to the Niggles

One question during class can open a whole new approach to the way I teach a pose. “Why does my back hurt in this pose?” Why indeed? Sometimes it takes delving and questions to answer a question. More information is required. Does your back hurt at any other time? All the time? When walking? Gardening? […]

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye is never easy and its been a hard winter of Goodbyes. In five months, three beautiful Yoga women left this world as we know it. One fought bravely for 15 months until there was no brave and no fight left. She had time to include us in her journey, sharing and explaining everything […]

Chair Yoga

We have now accomplished over 100 chair classes, and together we are learning that there is still more to learn. So much of Yoga can be adapted for a chair practice. I am thrilled and delighted to see the changes occurring, and to share the commitment and passion that the ‘Babes’ themselves are showing for […]

Resolution or Resolve

Are you in the habit of making New Year Resolutions? Did you make any for 2024? Have you ever notices how New Year resolutions are often measured by the quantities ‘more’ or ‘less’. Perhaps a resolve would increase your motivation. Inspiration comes from the outside, motivation comes from the inside. What quality or qualities do […]

Watches, Smart Watches & Fit Bits

What have they got to do with yoga? I’m the wrong person to ask because I don’t understand their place in a yoga practice, and certainly not in a class. Here’s my thinking… For the duration of the practice stop measuring yourself by time, pace, step etc. Yoga is the practice of self awareness, it […]

Anchor your big toes

Yogis tend to relate to a balance pose from the head – that dreaded thought “my balance is lousy” and that initial thought registers their wobbles. I am learning to read balance poses from the sole up, particularly from the grounding of the big toes. A quiver in the big toes sends off a ripple […]

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