New Year, New Yogi
At any age, at anytime, someone may decide to let yoga into their life and join a class.
A non yogi over 70 with a new hip joins chair yoga. Two very good reasons are highlighted, to meet others with hip replacement and to learn that there is more exercise available to them other than walking (although there is nothing wrong with walking)
A non yogi at age 79 who wants to come to a mat class to ‘re invent’ herself, and 6 years later still attends a weekly class.
A significant aspect of yoga for a new yogi is to actually learn to acknowledge and live in their body. That if the body is treated with awareness and respect and not just something you notice when it shows dis-comfort, dis-ease or dis-ability.
To observe a new yogi as they learn to slow down, open up, let breath into the body and then move cautiously; that movement can be an enquiry not a formal statement. These are all lessons in self awareness and self study, something that seasoned yogis learn to love and respect about the practice and themselves.
Yoga …….Your Own Growing Awareness
(I acknowledge Louise Wiggins for that Y.O.G.A. gem)
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