Beginners Mind
One concept that has stuck with me through 21 years of teaching, came during my Yoga Teacher Training course. Quite simply, never lose your beginners mind, don’t lose it from your practice nor from your teaching. Don’t take the body nor our knowledge for granted.
This heightens your awarness and keeps both learning and teaching fresh.
After years of practicing the same pose, always feel for change. Is it change in the body reflected in the pose, or an adjustment in the pose that allows the body to attune to itself more deeply. Perhaps it is a feeling or an emotions that is manifesting through the body and therefore the pose.
Contined study also enhances any yoga practice on all levels, stimulating our many layers of self.
I am really enjoying walking the path beside a fellow yogi who at ‘retirement’ age has begun and indepth yoga study course.
When we view these formal studies from beginners mind, our practice and passion reignite.
Thank you JH for sharing your new journey, and for the inspiration you give me as together we contemplate your studies.
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